"For me, the most important thing is that people should ask the question as early as possible in life as they can: 'What can I do to make this world a better place?'. So that when you leave this world, looking back, you say 'it's a little bit better off because I was here.' "
- Rabbi Bulka
Recording of the Shloshim Memorial Service for Rabbi Bulka on July 28, 2021

Rabbi Dr. Reuven P. Bulka (1944-2021), affectionately known as "Canada's Rabbi", was a beloved spiritual leader and community activist in Ottawa for over 50 years. Rabbi Bulka dedicated his life to spreading kindness, helping people, making a difference, comforting others, and always saying the right thing at the right time to make someone feel better.
Rabbi Bulka Legacy Project
This project involves dedicating "The Rabbi Bulka Sanctuary" and modernizing much of Machzikei Hadas, the synagogue Rabbi Bulka lead for over 50 years. As well, a "Rabbi Bulka Kindness Day" will be established in Ottawa starting in 2022.
Rabbi Bulka Legacy Project

Rabbi Bulka Kindness Project
Upon Rabbi Bulka's diagnosis, this project was launched to accumulate 1800 acts of kindness as Rabbi Bulka dedicated his life to spreading kindness.
Rabbi Bulka Kindness Project3
Share Your Rabbi Bulka Story
We are asking you to submit your story or reflection of Rabbi Bulka that will be printed into a beautifully bound book for his family.
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