Share Your Story
"The Jewish community has lost a giant, the Canadian community has lost a giant, and the world at large has lost an unbelievable person."
- Shmuel Bulka speaking at the funeral of his father, Rabbi Bulka

Share Your Rabbi Bulka Story
Rabbi Bulka helped, supported, comforted, influenced, and enhanced the lives of so many people around the world, and we would like to collect these reflections, stories, and anecdotes. What did Rabbi Bulka mean to you? How did he change or impact you for the better? What stories can we all learn from? What made Rabbi Bulka unique?
These reflections and stories will be sent to Rabbi Bulka's family to read, and will later be printed into a beautiful book for them. We will also publish a book that will be publically available to read and you will have a choice below if you would like to be included in this project or not.
We ask that you keep your submission to 250 words, and you can include attachments such as photos or other memories. We have also included "Categories" for you to select for your submission to allow us to better organize the book.
Thank you - we know how meaningful this book will be to Rabbi Bulka's family and the entire community as an everlasting testament to "Canada’s Rabbi".